Repair & Renovation Services

Our Service Division can handle any job - large or small!

Here is a list of some of the most common jobs we do:
  • Automation/Controller Installation
  • Caulking
  • Coping/Tile Replacement
  • Cover Installation
  • Deck Coating
  • Deck Replacement
  • Dehumidification Installation/Repairs
  • Filter Repairs/Replacement
  • Heater Repair and Installation
  • Leak Detection
  • Lighting Systems
  • Ozonator Installation
  • Plumbing
  • Pump/Motor Repair and Replacement
  • PVC Liners (Renosys)
  • Skimmer Replacment
  • Spa/Fountain Repairs
  • Whitecoat/Replaster/Blackcoat

We stock a large inventory of parts and equipment to provide quick and efficient service. Supervisors can perform minor repairs such as chlorinator tubing replacement and the installation of minor skimmer parts for which the labor is included in your management contract. Any required parts are an additional cost.

In-season work is scheduled as soon as possible with a 24-hour turnaround for most emergency repairs. We like to plan renovation and major repair work off-season when we can give you more competitive pricing. Please call at any time for an estimate or price quote, or you may submit your request on-line using the form below.

Submit a Request for a Pool Repair/Service Quote

*Full Name:
*Phone #:
*Facility Name:

Services Needed:

Resurface/Whitecoat/Paint Replace Pump
Replace Filter Structural Repairs/Caulk/ Coping Tile
Deck Repair/Replacement Plumbing Repair
Pool Cover Replacement

Autochlorination System

*What is 5 plus 0?   (Anti-Spam Question)

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4905 Edmonston Road   •   Hyattsville, MD 20781    •   Phone: 301-864-4900    •   Fax: 301-779-0559

7644-B Fullerton Road    •   Springfield, VA 22153    •   Phone: 703-451-4664    •   Fax: 703-451-9117

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